MCM London Expo
May 2007
Written 22nd September 2024 on Facebook - Looking back 17 years later
In May 2007, I stepped in to a new life of conventions. I went to the MCM London Expo, which is now known as Comic Con. Next month, I'll be attending my 30th MCM event. I might only do one day at this event these days, and it's not my main event either. But I've had quite a ride the last 17 years.
Here contains 7 of my photos from May 2007.
1. The first ever photo I took at Retford Train Station on my way to London, with the clock in the background that only got replaced not so long ago. I had a natter with some work men who said they'd took it down and it would have been destroyed. If I'd have known it was going to be replaced, I'd have done anything to have that clock in my possession.
2. The first ever photo I took in London, and on my own as well. I'd have loved to see my face as I walked up the steps at Piccadilly from the Underground. It was, and still is, quite incredible.
3. The East side of the ExCeL at London Docklands is currently having it's second expansion. I always wondered what it would be like having the ExCeL right outside of Premier Inn. Now it's there, it's crazy. After the first expansion, I walked through the ExCeL Centre (video on YouTube) and it took me like 8 minutes. Going to update that walk when I get a chance.
4. The first ever convention cosplay I ever snapped was of the Power Rangers. I never thought something I disliked so much at the time would my first photo.
5. I knew two people when I went, thankfully I got a photo of Carrie (on the left) cosplaying as Naruto. I've since lost touch with her, might have to look her up after I've written this. The other person who I was bit of a fan of because of her Kasumi cosplay, and we had a good chat. Regret not getting a photo with her but I was new at this convention thing. Hollie Bennett, now a member of Natural Six online. I doubt very much she'd remember me or the chat, she'd had quite the career since. Thing is, if it weren't for finding out she was at next month's MCM Comic Con doing a Natural Six event, and then thinking back to this May '07 convention and meeting her, I probably wouldn't be making this post right now. You could say she's put a foot up my arse in to getting my YouTube channel fully updated just because of the memories, and now the plan to continue making more videos. I haven't done much the last few years.
6. Christopher Lee. Oh yes, one of the big celebrities at the Expo/Comic Con. He had released an album, which I stupidly bought. He couldn't sing, and he wasn't the nicest of people. On stage, a young girl asked him a question about Star Wars. He replied that he wasn't there to talk about his acting career, but his music, which nobody knew he was doing at the time. Disrespecting a young girl like that killed the atmosphere and I wasn't the only one who thought he was a dick.
7. The ExCeL. The sign on top has completely changed. It doesn't look as good now. I always get a photo of the west side of the building's pyramid entrance though, it holds so many memories for me. This building is very special to me.
In May 2007, I stepped in to a new life of conventions. I went to the MCM London Expo, which is now known as Comic Con. Next month, I'll be attending my 30th MCM event. I might only do one day at this event these days, and it's not my main event either. But I've had quite a ride the last 17 years.
Here contains 7 of my photos from May 2007.
1. The first ever photo I took at Retford Train Station on my way to London, with the clock in the background that only got replaced not so long ago. I had a natter with some work men who said they'd took it down and it would have been destroyed. If I'd have known it was going to be replaced, I'd have done anything to have that clock in my possession.
2. The first ever photo I took in London, and on my own as well. I'd have loved to see my face as I walked up the steps at Piccadilly from the Underground. It was, and still is, quite incredible.
3. The East side of the ExCeL at London Docklands is currently having it's second expansion. I always wondered what it would be like having the ExCeL right outside of Premier Inn. Now it's there, it's crazy. After the first expansion, I walked through the ExCeL Centre (video on YouTube) and it took me like 8 minutes. Going to update that walk when I get a chance.
4. The first ever convention cosplay I ever snapped was of the Power Rangers. I never thought something I disliked so much at the time would my first photo.
5. I knew two people when I went, thankfully I got a photo of Carrie (on the left) cosplaying as Naruto. I've since lost touch with her, might have to look her up after I've written this. The other person who I was bit of a fan of because of her Kasumi cosplay, and we had a good chat. Regret not getting a photo with her but I was new at this convention thing. Hollie Bennett, now a member of Natural Six online. I doubt very much she'd remember me or the chat, she'd had quite the career since. Thing is, if it weren't for finding out she was at next month's MCM Comic Con doing a Natural Six event, and then thinking back to this May '07 convention and meeting her, I probably wouldn't be making this post right now. You could say she's put a foot up my arse in to getting my YouTube channel fully updated just because of the memories, and now the plan to continue making more videos. I haven't done much the last few years.
6. Christopher Lee. Oh yes, one of the big celebrities at the Expo/Comic Con. He had released an album, which I stupidly bought. He couldn't sing, and he wasn't the nicest of people. On stage, a young girl asked him a question about Star Wars. He replied that he wasn't there to talk about his acting career, but his music, which nobody knew he was doing at the time. Disrespecting a young girl like that killed the atmosphere and I wasn't the only one who thought he was a dick.
7. The ExCeL. The sign on top has completely changed. It doesn't look as good now. I always get a photo of the west side of the building's pyramid entrance though, it holds so many memories for me. This building is very special to me.